About Leezen


The Italian Tomato Plant Protein Crisps was honored with the "2024 New Taste Trend Award".
Leezen's Italian Tomato Plant Protein Crisps have been recognized with the "2024 New Taste Trend Award"! With its vegan formula, high protein and low calorie profile, minimal additives, and full food utilization, it stood out among numerous baked goods.
Four products were awarded as the "2024 Eatender Products".
Four of Leezen's products, Gress Jelly, Organic Grain Dessert, Unsweetened Organic Five-Grain Power,and Corn Soup, were chosen as the "2024 Eatender Products" organized by the Council of Agriculture.
Leezen participated in the "Black Bear Forest Restoration Project" of the Forestry and Nature Conservation Division Hualien Branch, supporting the creation of black bear habitat by promoting the use of black bear bamboo charcoal aroma stones. On May 3rd, the Hualien Branch of the Forestry and Nature Conservation Division held a tree planting event in Yuli, inviting experts in wood vinegar and Leezen to plant 600 trees of the Castanopsis species beloved by black bears together, contributing to the "Friend of Bears Forest" activity.
In 2024, the "Taiwan School Lunch Competition," organized by Douceur Network, focused on the theme of "Midday Vegetables, Midday Nutrition," promoting nutritious lunches with low-carbon vegetarian options. Leezen was invited to serve as a judge for the competition and presented the "Leezen Vegetarian Authentic Taste Award," encouraging school lunch staff to promote the true flavors of food!
Stores across Taiwan responded to the 'Green Dining Pledge' movement.
133 Leezen stores across Taiwan have responded to the "Green Dining Pledge" and launched the Green Diet Action, jointly promoting green food initiatives, including reduce food mileages, provide diverse vegetarian options, and decrease reliance on animal products.
In March, during the tree-planting month, Leezen, together with the Forestry and Nature Conservation Division of the Ministry of Agriculture's Taichung/Hsinchu Branches and experts in wood vinegar, organized a seedling giveaway event. Over a thousand native Taiwanese tree seedlings were distributed, encouraging consumers to collect points by planting trees together, thus reducing carbon emissions for the planet.